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6 boxes
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52.79 EUR Par box
2 x Pall Mall Blue
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6 boxes
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52.79 EUR Par box
2 x Pall Mall Red
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6 cartouche
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20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Amber
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6 cartouche
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20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Aromatic Slims
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6 cartouche
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33.04 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Blue
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6 cartouche
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20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Blue
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6 cartouche
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33.04 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Blue 100s
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6 cartouche
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33.04 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Menthol
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6 cartouche
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20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Nanokings Amber
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6 cartouche
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20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Nanokings Blue
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6 cartouche
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33.04 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Red
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6 cartouche
Obtenir 2% de réduction
20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Red
Acheter plus d'Alors
6 cartouche
Obtenir 2% de réduction
20.34 EUR Par carton
Pall Mall Tropic Twist Slims

It is good choice for those who seek low price cigarettes and high quality tobacco.

 Pall Mall history has begun in 1899 when the "Butler & Butler Company" decided to introduce new brand to American smokers. It was the first brand to innovate new cigarette design: King Size. This standard has become unified for all cigarettes at 85 mm. A new way of stuffing cigarettes should provided a smoother, less irritating smoke to make Pall Mall cigarettes easier on the throat. In 1960 Pall Mall once again has introduced new standard for long cigarettes: so called "Longs" or 100 mm cigarettes.

 Pall Mall logo is familiar to every smoker. Two lions with regal crown holding shield with knights helm on the top of it. Latin phrase "Per Aspera Ad Astra" can be translated as Through Difficulty to the Stars". The interesting fact is this phrase can be found on official seal of Kansas State. Below shield there is another Latin phrase "In Hoc Signo Vinces" translates as "You will conquer with this sign". This phrase has appeared with crosses for the first time on shields of Constantines army when he conquered Rome as God told him.
The reason for placing this Latin phrases on Pall Mall packs is obvious. Marketing concept was to show customers that Pall Mall is the brand for real champions.

Nowadays there is no need to present this brand. It can be found in our online shop offering great variety of cigarettes including Pall Mall.